Getting started with GANs Part 2: Colorful MNIST

In this post we build upon part 1 of 'Getting started with generative adversarial networks' and work with RGB data instead of monochrome. We apply a simple technique to map MNIST images to RGB.

Getting started with generative adversarial networks (GAN)

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are one of the hot topics within Deep Learning right now and are applied to various tasks. In this post I'll walk you through the first steps of building your own adversarial network with Keras and MNIST.

Import/Adding Instagram posts to Jekyll

To integrate Instagram posts in to my website I created a small helper script that does the importing. In this post I'll explain how it works.

Website upgrade & Jekyll blog optimizations

It has been over two years since the last full update of my website itself and it was time for an upgrade!

IoTDI/IC2E 2016 Presentation: Human SLAM

Last week I gave a presentation at IoTDI 2016 regarding my Human SLAM research. My presentation can be viewed online.