Website status monitor using Jenkins
Jenkins is a great tool for continuous integration and deployment. It can also be used for monitoring websites that are live. In this post I'll show you my approach using a simple shell script.
Jenkins is a great tool for continuous integration and deployment. It can also be used for monitoring websites that are live. In this post I'll show you my approach using a simple shell script.
Part one of my custom built external water bath monitor for sous vide. Running on a Spark Core and using DS18B20 temperature sensors for measurements.
When I can, every javascript project I start makes use of the new ES2015 (or ES6) standard. The features (better classes, arrow functions, etc.) are just to good to ignore, and, using a transpiler such as Babel, code can be made compatible with older browsers and systems. For private projects the transpiler can be incorporated in to the build process. But, how do we proceed when we want to make a project public and usable by others?...
If you have heard about iBeacons or indoor localization before, then you have probably also heard about RSSI: the Received Signal Strength Indicator. The RSSI value resembles the power of a received radio signal (measured in dBm). The higher the RSSI value, the higher the signal strength. The rationale behind using RSSI values is that almost all wireless systems report and use this value natively; i.e. no additional sensors are required to measure RSSI values....
Filtering noisy measurements can be an extremely difficult endeavor; take brain signals for example. While this is true, there are also many situations where the system is fairly simple and the focus lies on speed, online computation (i.e. in real time) and ease of use. Filtering distance measurements from a sonar sensor can be such a case. For these applications it is useful to have a simple, but effective, noise filtering algorithm in your toolkit....